Souls only exist in the continuous flow of life. Encounters between them are an immanent movement that transform their nature and their expression like the water flow transforms colors and shapes creating something completely new and unrepeatable, yet somehow recognizable as pre-existing, a transcendent pattern.
The Split
The Split
The One is dividing itself so the two entities can finally look at each other and recognize their own substance into the other.
Transmigration of Substance
Transmigration of Substance
Souls substance migrate into a new space with new physics where their encounter is possible.
Souls bled unobtrusively, constantly loosing shape, never loosing substance.
The soft floating becomes the urge to move from inside to outside so they are now transparent one to another.
The Kiss
The Kiss
The vibrational alignment of substance.
Whirl of Fires
Whirl of Fires
Cold fires of reason run over deep fires of passion and demand.
Descending into fearful Depths
Descending into fearful Depths
Inside the harmonious movement of beauty and pleasure moves the structure of the fear and the doubt.
Becoming Flow
Becoming Flow
Souls are moved by the Flow, each one revealing its intrinsic movement.
Reaching the substance of another Soul by choice and determination.
Vortex of Love
Vortex of Love
Souls flow not bound by shapes, but only Love frees them from the boundaries of their own substance.