Beauty is the last to die
Dead leaves into the process of dismemberment tell a story were beauty is the dissolution itself.

Beauty is the last to die
Beauty is the last to die

Beauty is the last to die
Beauty is the last to die

Beauty is the last to die
Beauty is the last to die

Beauty is the last to die
Beauty is the last to die

Beauty is the last to die
Beauty is the last to die

Beauty is the last to die
Beauty is the last to die

Beauty is the last to die
Beauty is the last to die

Beauty is the last to die
Beauty is the last to die

Beauty is the last to die
Beauty is the last to die

Beauty is the last to die
Beauty is the last to die

Beauty is the last to die
Beauty is the last to die

Beauty is the last to die
Beauty is the last to die

Beauty is the last to die
Beauty is the last to die